Add Bounded Context Command

Adds a new bounded context to a domain project.

This command can add one or more new bounded contexts to your Wrapt project using a formatted yaml or json file. The input file template only requires a list of one or more entities.

This command must to be run from the root directory for a project that was made using the new:domain command. This directory should have your sln file inside of it.

craftsman add:bc [options] <filepath>

Add Bounded Context Arguments

filepathThe full filepath for the yaml or json file that lists the new entities that you want to add to your API.

Add Bounded Context Options

-h, --helpDisplay help message. No filepath is needed to display the help message.
-vShow verbose output.

Add Bounded Context Example Commands

craftsman add:bc -h
craftsman add:bc C:\fullpath\new-bc.yaml
craftsman add:bc C:\fullpath\new-bc.yml
craftsman add:bc C:\fullpath\new-bc.json

Add Bounded Context Example

The examples on the project tutorial and the bounded contexts template cover how to add new bounded contexts.